Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sunday's Coming

Good morning once again from sunny and finally warm Arizona,

I pray all is well with you and yours. We have had a few of you share prayer needs with us. I want you to know that we do pray and continue until you tell us the results. If you have prayer concerns please let us know so we can pray with you.

The sermon last sunday was on love and I would like to share a little more on that subject today.

Illustration: A salesman complimented a young woman on her well-behaved son, adding, "I have eight children of my own."
"Eight kids," she exclaimed in disbelief. "I can't imagine dividing my love by eight."
"I don't divide my love, I multiply it."

This reminds me of God's love, John 3:16. His love is unlimited and all inclusive. We would never know how much He loved us until it was seen in Jesus and stated in scripture. Love began with God, was seen in Jesus and ends with us.... we can help multiply His love by sharing it with others.

Illustration: Everyone seems to love Charlie Brown. One day he and Lucy were strolling along when she stopped and picked a flower and began to pluck the petals one by one saying "He loves me! He loves me not" Plucking the last petal she said, "He loves me! Charlie Brown you love me!"
"Well , he said, I could have told you that."
Sadly she asked, "But why didn't you?"

We are commanded to love one another. So I urge you to look to someone today and tell them you love them. It may be your spouse, neighbor or a stranger, but whoever, tell them "I Love You!"

Have a great day, I love you, pass it on.

1 comment:

Michelle Riggs said...

I will be praying. Thank you for continuing to pray for Abby.