Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sunday's Coming

Good morning from warm and sunny Arizona,

Well, almost. It has been cloudy with a chance of rain and cool. I know, I should be where you are. My prayer for you is to be safe, warm and dry. May the Lord bless you today.

As the title of my post is, Count It All Joy, we should meet each obstacle with the attitude of "what am I to learn, Lord?"

Illustration: A man bought a boat and begged his wife to join him for a ride.

“Look,” he said,”I know where every rock and sandbar is.”

She got in and presently he struck a rock. “There, he said that's one of them.”

You and I strike many rocks in our lives, don't we?

We have problems and obstacles in our lives all the time that we can't fix. So what do we do, and who do we go to? We go to God. He is not only all-loving and all-powerful, but He's, also, all wise.

The Bible tells us in James 1:5, “If anyone lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.”

So when those trials or rocks and sandbars come your way, ask the Lord for wisdom and He will navigate you through.

As always, thank you, first of all for reading this post faithfully, for praying for us that God continues to guide us in the right direction and protects us on our voyage, for your e-mails and phone calls, how they encourage us to continue on the journey, and for your financial support, because without this we couldn't continue. Thank you and may God bless you!

Have a great day, love you, pass it on.


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