Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sunday Is Coming

Good morning!

Fall has finally made it to the Arizona desert. The high the next two days is going to be in the 60's.

I pray all is well with you. We have received several prayer needs and be assured that we pray when we receive them and then often until we here back from you.

The gentleman that took off a couple of weeks ago in his motorhome with the slides out and all utilities connected, is in the hospital with very little hope of making it. In fact, he was moved to hospice yesterday. Please add Art and his family to your prayer list.

Last sunday I preached on building Christian character. As I was reading this morning, David Jeremiah had this to say on that subject:

Two Newspapers

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. I Peter 1:13-16

On his way to work one morning, a man purchased his usual newspaper and went on his way. To his dismay, he discovered that he had accidentally taken two newspapers instead of one. He immediately got in his car, drove back to the store and returned the extra paper. About a week later, someone stole money from that same store, and when the grocer thought through the patrons who frequented his store, he immediately dismissed the man as a suspect, saying, "That man is really honest. He came all the way back here just to return a newspaper he took by mistake."

Everything we do in life becomes evidence of who we truly are. What does our life's evidence say about us? Does it say that we merely profess to be a follower of Christ or does it reveal our love and true devotion to Him? While our goal should not be a morally perfect life, we should strive to have a walk with the Lord that is consistently growing and changing to resemble the One whom we serve.

"A man's life is always more forcible than his speech. If his life and doctrine disagree, the mass of onlookers will accept his practice and reject his preaching." C.H. Spurgeon

Have a great day, love you, pass it on.

1 comment:

Claudia said...

I'm sorry to hear about one of our fellow RV'rs and pray for him and his family. I am having my second cataract surgery tomorrow and with God's hands on me I'll be fine. I know he is right there with me while my surgeon is doing his own wonderful work. My daughter and her family are fighting the H1Ni. They are very ill. Please pray for them.