Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Sunday Is Coming

Good morning from Arizona,

I pray all is well with you today. We continue to have a busy ministry here. A lot of sickness, surgery and even deaths(fifteen in this park since May)has followed us to the land of the sun. I have often referred to what Jesus said,"we are to love one another" and to do that we need to follow in His footsteps by having compassion for others. Pray for us as we reach out and encourage others to do the same.

Matthew 9:35-36 “Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.”

Jesus’ ministry was centered on helping hurting people. And when He saw people, he was quick to discern their hurts and helplessness. What do you see when you look at people? Do you look at the outer person only (the hair, the face, the clothes, etc.) or are you quick to perceive they’ve got a problem of some sort?

Jesus is the greatest example of all when it comes to compassion and sympathy. WE NEED TO FOLLOW IN HIS COMPASSIONATE STEPS!

Thanks again for your prayers, emails, phone calls and financial support; without these, we could not continue doing what we feel God is leading us to do.

Have a great day, love you, pass it on.

The “Discerning” Cowboy

Vacationing in Arizona, a group of British tourists spotted a cowboy by the side of the road with his ear to the ground. "What’s going on?" they asked.

"Two horses, one gray-one chestnut, are pulling a wagon carrying two men,” the cowboy says. "One man is wearing a red shirt and the other a black shirt. They’re heading east."

"Wow, You can tell all that just by listening to the ground?" says one of the tourists.

"No" replies the cowboy. "They just ran over me."
Contributed by: A. Todd Coget

1 comment:

Claudia said...

I hope you two are avoiding the flu. Our children have had it but I stayed away from them so it would not hinder my cataract surgery. Eyes are doing good. Pats uncle had a heart attack last Saturday and a good friend that winters in Yuma also had one on Saturday. Please include them in your prayers. See you in a few weeks.