Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sunday's Coming

Good morning,
Greetings from the RGV (Rio Grande Valley).
Finally, I am feeling closer to normal after battling bronchitis for more weeks than I should have. Praise the Lord for good meds and doctors.
While reading in "Seeds From the Sower," this morning, the following really spoke to me:
The famous comedian, Jimmy Durante, was doing his best to meet the deadlines in a tight schedule. While traveling from one location to another, someone asked him to visit a Veteran's Hospital. He agreed to do so, however, he emphasized that he would only be able to spare a few minutes.
He began his visit with a short monologue. The vets were thrilled and applauded loudly. The more he entertained, the louder the applause. He was thoroughly enjoying himself and forgot about the time. He stayed much longer than he had intended. Finally, he took his last bow.
Knowing of his schedule, someone asked, "What happened?"
"I was supposed to leave much sooner," he said, "But look at those two vets in the front row. I couldn't let them down."
One of the men had lost his right arm and the oter his left. Left to themselves, they were incomplete. But together they were able to clap. And this they did wildly and happily. It was a moment of great happiness for the comedian and the vets. Unfortunately, it did not last.
For the Christian, however, it can be a permanent condition if our hearts are right with God.
Real happiness is ours when we have a right relationship with God. Regardless of what we may be facing, we can be happy in the Lord knowing that He will never leave us nor forsake us, and that one day we will be with Him, forever.
Psalm 68:3 But let the godly rejoice.
                  Let them be glad in God’s presence.
                  Let them be filled with joy.

LaVon and I are truly thankful to God for each of you. Thank you for your continual support and interest in our ministry by investing yourself in many ways as partners with us: by prayer, e-mails, phone calls and your financial gifts. Without any of these we could not continue what God has called us to do and that is to share the living water with the world through the RV ministry.
Have a great day, love you, pass it on.

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