Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sunday's Coming

Good morning,

It is a beautiful day and I will "rejoice and be glad in it.” I pray that is your outlook today as well.

We had a great week, first visit at our daugther and family, Stephanie, in Tulsa and then on to Branson to meet up with some dear friends that we have met doing this ministry. I have been thinking how blessed we are by knowing each of you and how you continue to encourage us every day. Some of you call us, some email, and many of you pray for us regularly and then some even give financially to keep us going. When I think of all of you and how you bless us, I start thinking how can I repay these. Today. I read the following and I believe it answers my question.


The concept of "pay it forward" is built on the idea that people have done good things for you that you can't repay directly back to them - but for which you can show gratitude by doing something good for someone who can't repay you. You simply pay forward.

The ultimate expression of paying it forward is what Jesus Christ did for each of us. Even when we were sinners, even when we were enemies with God, He died for us so we could experience eternal life.

How do we pay that gift forward? Simple. We can never repay Him for His sacrificial love toward us, so we share His love with others who need the gift of life. When was the last time you paid it forward?

Have a great day, love you, pass it on.

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