Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Sunday's Coming

Good Morning,

We are in Kansas City, Kansas, visiting great friends we met in our first park in Arizona. They have been the good host and hostess and showed us the sites of Kansas City. We leave tomorrow for Omaha and then west. Please keep us in your prayers as we travel.

In my reading this morning was this by The Sower:

I can't help but think of our friends in Norman that lost everything in the fire


Little Martha was in a hurry to run out the door so she would not be late for school. In her haste she tripped and fell, hitting her head on the floor. Immediately, a bump appeared and frightened her. As the
tears ran down her cheeks she climbed into her mother’s arms to be comforted.
Her Mom, holding her tightly, placed a cold pad on the lump and said, “Let’s pray and ask Jesus to heal you so you can go to school.”
Soon the tears stopped, Martha left her mother’s lap, stood up and said, “Jesus healed me. Now I can go to school.”
That night when they knelt to pray the mother asked, “What do you want to thank Jesus for tonight.”
“My bump,” answered Martha quickly. “Because now I know He loves me because He made my bump go away.”

“Whenever trouble comes your way,” wrote James, “let it be an opportunity for joy. For when your faith is tested, your endurance has an opportunity to grow.” 

In the life of every Christian, there is always a connection between the problem and the promise, between the hardship and the hope.
James reminds us to turn our difficulties into optimism and to have a positive outlook for life. Troubles are not an end in themselves. If we are willing to work with God, He can teach us perseverance.

Prayer: May we understand and accept, Father, that “whatever comes our way” is for our good and that we can profit from every hardship as we learn to trust You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture for Today: James 1:2 -- My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. (title of this blog)

LaVon and I are truly thankful to God for each of you. Thank you for your continual support and interest in our ministry by investing yourself in many ways as partners with us: by prayer, e-mails, phone calls and your financial gifts. Without any of these we could not continue what God has called us to do and that is to share the living water with the world through the RV ministry.

Have a great day, love you, pass it on.

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