Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sunday's Coming

Good morning again from Branson, Missouri.

Todays Bible Thought:

How many ways have you been blessed by God? Relationally? Materially? Spiritually? Physically?His blessings are all around us, but we are too easily distracted.

King David said, "I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds" (Psalm 77:12). Another Psalm echoes, "Come and listen, all you who fear God; let me tell you what He has done for me" (66:16).

Whatever God has done for you, stop to remember His blessings in detail. And say a word of thanks.

Lord, when I look back, I can see that You have been with me all my life. Thank You for Your goodness to me. Amen.


There is an old legend of a man who found the barn where Satan kept his seeds ready to be sown in the human heart. On finding the seeds of discouragement more numerous than others, he learned that those seeds could be made to grow almost anywhere. When questioned, Satan reluctantly admitted that there was one place in which he could never get them to thrive. "And where is that?" asked the man. He replied sadly, "In the heart of a grateful person."

LaVon and I are truly thankful to God for each of you , thank you for your continual support and interest in our ministry by giving in many ways, by prayer, e-mails, phone calls and your financial gifts. Without any of these we could not continue what God has called us to do and that is to share the living water with the world through the RV ministry.

I will be preaching this week in a local church, I ask you to be in prayer for me. Thanks again for praying last week everything went well.You can listen to the sermon on line at CRM Sermons .

Have a great day, love you, pass it on.


Wendy and Rick Fury said...

Great piece. I am struggling lately. So much has been going on with this trip, I almost feel like the Lord is telling us to get off the road for good. Please say a prayer for us. Love and miss you two. said...

Thanks for the words of wisdom each week. We feel like we are staying in touch with you, but it's mostly one way, so I just want to say we miss you guys. We will let you know when we get our Arizona Bible Study going.