Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Sunday's Coming

Good morning from Branson, Mo.

LaVon is still in Norman with her mother, but only for a few more days. Yeah! She is headed back to Branson.

The work here is still very rewarding. Yesterday, I visited with two families that were having health issues - family members in the hospital. You know, even when you are on the road things happen and I'm glad to be able to pray and give comfort to these. When God lead us into this ministry, I never questioned Him, we just went. I knew He knew what he was doing. You see, we have to put what we believe into action.

I pray you are following what God is leading you to do. I also thank you for praying for us, the encouraging phone calls, even the visits from some, and the financial support from a few of you.

Have a great day, love you, pass it on.


"Follow my example as I follow the example of Christ." —1 Corinthians 11:1

The great philosopher, Søren Kierkegaard, told a story about ducks that came from an imaginary country where only ducks live.

One Sunday morning, all the mother and father ducks headed to church with their children waddling behind them. They entered the doors and sat in their duck pews, sang songs from their duck hymnals, and gave to underprivileged ducks at the offering time.

When the duck preacher got up to proclaim the message, he was very dynamic. He opened his duck Bible and screamed,

“Ducks, you can fly! You have wings and you can fly like eagles.”

The ducks all clanged, “We can fly, we can fly!”

He asked, “Do you believe you can fly?”

Again, they shouted back, “We can fly, we can fly.”

He screamed again, “We can soar through the skies!”

They all shouted, “Amen.”

With that the pastor closed his duck Bible and dismissed his congregation of ducks.

Then they all waddled back home.

Just a simple reminder today that while your words are important, they can only go so far. So much of the work of passing on our faith takes place when we model it ourselves. To do that, we must make sure that we are working on the issues in our own lives. If we do not, the message we proclaim to others will be very similar to that of the duck pastor. After he told them they could fly, he needed to show them by spreading his own wings and soaring above the clouds.

As we live out what we believe in our lives, we can lead the way for others and make a difference for lifetimes to come.

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