Good morning from Branson, Mo.
The sun is shining at last and looks like a beautiful day or two in store.
I pray all is well with you.
God has been using us and a lot of exciting things are going on. The free health clinic is taking shape. The ministry is going great as people come to church and God touches their hearts. We visit every day with many different people as God shows us where He is at work and we join Him there.
I encourage you to keep us in your prayers.
Have a great day, love you, pass it on,
Magic Penny
This devotional was written by Kelly McFadden
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.—1 Thessalonians 5:11
Do you remember the song about the Magic Penny? Here are the first two verses to refresh your memory:
Love is something if you give it away,
Love is something if you give it away,
Give it away, give it away.
Love is something if you give it away,
You end up having more.
It's just like a magic penny,
It's just like a magic penny,
Hold it tight and you won't have any.
Lend it, spend it, and you'll have so many
They'll roll all over the floor.
(Song written by Malvina Reynolds)
One way to give love away to others is by encouraging them. Since we are made in the image of God, we all possess some of God’s great qualities. So even if we are not always kind, or always honest, or always selfless, and so on, there are times when each of us displays those qualities (even if it is just for a moment!). When we encourage others, we have opportunity to move them closer to God’s design for them when we recognize God’s wonderful traits in that person.
Sometimes we don’t encourage others for a variety of reasons. Perhaps we are too busy and self-absorbed. Or, perhaps pride and jealousy keep us from affirming others, or maybe we are afraid of being misunderstood. When we withhold encouragement, we can actually become agents of discouragement to others. When we withhold encouragement, we withhold love.
When we encourage and show love, it is just like the magic penny. When we hold it close, we have none. When we give it away, it comes back tenfold.![](
CRM Int'l Giving
The work we do is faith based. The expenses we incur need to be addressed. The opportunity to serve the resort community comes from your support, prayers and faith.
Join our partnership team with your support - God's work is there, all we need is you on the team. We covet your prayers and support; for your convenience, you can invest in CRM's ministry though our secure link to PayPal on the website, or - if you prefer - you can mail your gift to:
Christian Resort Ministries, International
2186 Jackson Keller Road # 2094
San Antonio, TX 78213
For your records, we have included our accounting code next to the name or project so you will have that for your information. Again, we thank God and you for your support and direction. Please use the pull down menu to indicate the project or person to which you want to invest. This will allow us to designate the funds to correct account. (After all, we all know how accounts are...)
$________ to: Please select:
When we encourage and show love, it is just like the magic penny. When we hold it close, we have none. When we give it away, it comes back tenfold.
CRM Int'l Giving
The work we do is faith based. The expenses we incur need to be addressed. The opportunity to serve the resort community comes from your support, prayers and faith.
Join our partnership team with your support - God's work is there, all we need is you on the team. We covet your prayers and support; for your convenience, you can invest in CRM's ministry though our secure link to PayPal on the website, or - if you prefer - you can mail your gift to:
Christian Resort Ministries, International
2186 Jackson Keller Road # 2094
San Antonio, TX 78213
For your records, we have included our accounting code next to the name or project so you will have that for your information. Again, we thank God and you for your support and direction. Please use the pull down menu to indicate the project or person to which you want to invest. This will allow us to designate the funds to correct account. (After all, we all know how accounts are...)
$________ to: Please select:
CRM General Revenue 001001
Richard & Susan McCool - 001002
Bob & Barb Ruesch 001003
Don & LaVon Baker 001004
Sanctuary Outpost 001005
Pastor Maile Soshone (Botswanna) 001006
Chris & vicky Kilpatrick - 001007
Jack & Karen Gregory 001009
Dennis & Sally Maloney - 001008
Richard & Susan Byanton - 0010010
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