Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sunday's Coming

Good morning once again,

Time sure flies doesn't it?

We continue staying busy and visiting with family and friends. We went to a church just up the road from us Sunday. It was a good experience. LaVon went back last night to take a women's class that I am sure she will share at Sunscape this winter.

Thank you for your emails, phone calls, visits and your financial support. Sunday nite we went to a church fellowship and Bible study; food and study were both great. The study was "How do you Handle Worry". I was asked how I handle worry. My reply was to trust God. He takes care of us by giving us not only what is good but what is best for us. This summer we are trusting God for our needs since right now we have no extra income to meet our expenses. God, through his great love for us, sees fit to bless some of you by encouraging you to give to our ministry. I can't say thank you enough, you are special to us.

This morning my heart is heavy for many of you, for your loss of loved ones, for the trials and health issues you are going through. Know we pray for you often and I know God is listening and He wants what's best for you as well. I read this devotional today that speaks to this or it did to me.

Beauty for Ashes

This devotional was written by Kelly McFadden

"…and provide for those who grieve in Zion - to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor." —Isaiah 61:3

A friend of mine was asked by a young couple to perform a memorial at sea for their stillborn child. The three of them planned to spread the baby’s ashes at sea. The morning they chose was overcast and glum, reflecting their feelings of loss. They huddled together on deck, praying through swollen, tear-stained eyes while they pulled away from the shore. When the time drew near to spread the ashes, the young couple did not want to remove the ashes from the small satin box, but instead intended to throw the box overboard. The captain explained to them that it was better to open the box and release the ashes to the waves. With reservation and tears, the couple stood at the railing, releasing their baby’s ashes over the sea. They stood together watching the ashes float away and spread across the rolling sea.

At this moment, something unexpected happened. The clouds parted enough to let a beam of sunlight shine down where the ashes drifted. For an instant, the ash began to sparkle in the sunlight. As my friend shared her story with me, she described the moment as surreal. For what she saw in that moment was beauty for ashes, gladness for mourning and praise for despair. She understood a deep truth about the Lord.

Each of us hides pain inside. Whether it is a shameful past, a break-up, losing a loved one or bad decisions, we all have “ashes” hidden in a box. We try to cover our loss with a beautiful exterior, attempting to make what resides inside less painful than it is. Yet, to experience healing, we need to let those hidden things go. God sees our deepest parts and inmost thoughts. He wants to turn our mourning to praise and give us hope, but we can prevent this healing process from taking place if we hold on too tightly to our pain.

Like the young couple on the boat, we too need to be willing to scatter our pain into the Lord’s hands so He can make beauty of our ashes.

Have a great day, love you, pass it on.


Claudia said...

Don and LaVon, I also keep the both of you in my daily prayers. I know that God will never forget two of his hardest working children that he has in both of you. He just has something very very special being prepared for you and it isn't quite ready yet. So be patient, stay well, keep smilin' and it will come!


Don, thank you for your words of encouragement.I have sent your emails to others so they can get comfort from your words. i hope you don't mind. :)

Michelle Riggs said...

Beautiful devotional. Thank you so much for sharing it.

Praying always.