Friday, June 12, 2009

Sunday Is Coming

Good Morning,

It's been a busy week and I didn't take the computer with me so the posting this week is a little late.

Tuesday, I went to Eufaula, Oklahoma to visit the director of CRM medical clincs and also to see the clinic in action. Richard and I had a great time together and it was good to see his passion for what he does. He gave me a tour of God's Helping Hands, which is the food and clothing closet. God's Helping Hands also offers assistance for emergency needs. There are many volunteers that make this ministry happen.

Wednesday night, we went to Home of Hope, the free medical clinic. We had dinner together, furnished by a Sunday School class from the church next door. Richard led the devotional and then we had a time of prayer. Everything was going great until the storm knocked out the electricity. Being very resourceful, everyone opened their cell phones to light the way until candles were brought in. They never skipped a beat. If Satan intended to thwart the efforts, he failed.

As a chaplain, I got to be a part of seeing one of the patients and praying with her. Oh, what a mighty God we serve. I pray these people got to see Jesus in all of us that night and every day of our lives.

To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. - Colossians 1:27

Today, I am passing along a story (author unknown). It asks a powerful question, "Do people see Jesus in you?" After you read it, pray that everyone would see your Lord in and through you everyday!

I Saw Jesus

I saw Jesus last week. He was wearing blue jeans and an old shirt. He was up at the building we call our church; He was alone and working hard. For just a minute, He looked a little like one of the people who regularly attends our church. But it was Jesus. I could tell by His smile.

I saw Jesus Sunday. He was teaching a Bible class. He didn't talk real loud or use long words. But you could tell that He believed what He said. For just a minute, He looked like my Sunday School teacher. But it was Jesus. I could tell by His loving voice.

I saw Jesus yesterday. He was at the hospital visiting a friend who was sick. They prayed together quietly. For just a minute He looked like a guy I saw at the worship gathering last week. But it was Jesus. I could tell by the tears in His eyes.

I saw Jesus this morning. He was in the kitchen fixing my breakfast and making me a special lunch. For just a minute He looked like my wife. But it was Jesus. I could feel the love from His heart.

I saw Jesus this afternoon. He was cutting the grass in the community where I live. He was smiling and waving at everyone who drove down our street. It made me feel special even if it was for only a moment. For a minute, I thought it was just another person we paid to keep our community clean. But it was Jesus. No one else could have that much joy.

I saw Jesus tonight. He was sitting out in the street looking for someone to help Him. For a minute He looked like just another homeless person. But it was Jesus. I could tell by the look of sincere suffering in His eyes.

I see Jesus everywhere. Taking food to the sick. Welcoming others to His home. Being friendly to someone who needs love. And for just a minute, I think He's someone I know. But it's always Jesus. I can tell by the way He serves.

May someone see Jesus in you today.

Have a great day, love you, pass it on,


Claudia said...

Don, I'm so glad that I have the ability and tools to read your "Sunday is Coming". It is a huge part of my week and would be missed very much if you weren't doing it. I love to read about your adventures and the people you are helping.

Snookie said...


I really, really, like the picture of you on this blog. It makes your message all that more personal, its not just written words but I can see in glimmer of that smile that everything you write comes from your heart.

(LaVon DID NOT MAKE ME DO THIS! I promise!)

Peggy & Bill said...

As I opened Sunday is Coming tonight, I saw the smile & love of a man who serves his master. He also looks like a guy we shared lunch with a few weeks ago.
Tonight I Saw Jesus through his devotion. Pray that others see him through me. Thank you!

Notes from Hoss said...

Hi Don,

I like your picture too. Enjoy your messages.

Margie & I just got back from a three night outing in our MH with our Winnebago group.

Gary & Cheryl Cyphers are coming by to see us tomorrow and we are going out to lunch together.

Keep up the good work.
