Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sunday's Coming

Good Morning,

We had people come to Bible study last night. Praise the LORD!
(The Sycamores Community Chapel Mission and Outreach blog)

In my reading, this morning, this was an inspiration from Adrian Rogers:

Don't Try to Hurry the Harvest
“. . . the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain.” - James 5:7
Sometimes the things that count the most seem to take the longest to get here.Some giant sequoias in California are 300 feet tall. That’s the height of a thirty story building! Yet each one began with the smallest of seeds that began growing and maturing since before the time of Christ! That’s a long time.You may say that you’re going to serve God. Then you start to do something for Him, but when you don’t reap a harvest immediately, you get discouraged. Don’t try to hurry the harvest. In due season, you will reap.Have you shared Christ with people and yet they haven’t been saved? Read Isaiah 55:11

We want to thank you for your support through your prayers, phone calls, emails and gifts.

Winston Churchill wisely said, "We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give."

Have a great day, love you, pass it on.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Sunday's Coming

Good Morning,

We had our Grand Opening at church Sunday and no one from this community came. We keep going forward knowing God has used us already and will use us more in the days to come. In my reading, this morning, was an inspiration from Adrian Rogers.

 Seizing Opportunities to Serve

“As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” - Galatians 6:10

Do you remember the story of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:30-37? He was on a journey but stopped and helped a bruised and broken man. He didn’t make excuses saying, “It’s none of my business.” It was a golden moment, and he took it.

All around you are people who need the compassion of Christ. They need you to see their pain as a golden opportunity to serve them in the name of Jesus.

The chief enemy to kindness is busyness. We have our priorities, our jobs, our duties, our responsibilities, and we’re too busy. But if we’re too busy to be kind, we’re too busy.
What’s on your schedule for today? If someone had a flat tire, could you fix it? If someone called and needed a ride to the hospital, could you take them? Clear the way for Jesus, my friend.

We want to thank you for your support through your prayers, phone calls, emails and gifts.

Have a great day, love you, pass it on.

Many thanks to Ron Jarman for coming and blessing us with his songs and leading us in worship. We did have two visitors who came to see Ron! They were a blessing, also!
Here is a song Ron wrote and recorded. You may recognize the tune.
There are no penalties for using Ron's music. He just wants to be used to bring Glory to God and encouragement to others. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Sunday's Coming

Good Morning,

We had our first service last Sunday. No one showed up, except our ministry partners, Dennis and Sally Maloney and our guest worship leader, Jane Carroll and her husband, Dennis.

 Keep us in your prayers as we distribute flyers and encourage people to come.

It's not just where you end up that's important; it's how you get there. - Mark Batterson


“Brother,” said St. Francis of Assisi to a young monk who had just entered the monastery, “let’s go to town and preach.” They left the monastery and walked to the town and did not say a word to each other or the people they passed in the marketplace. After several hours they retraced their steps and returned to the monastery.
The young monk wondered what was going on and after waiting for what seemed like an eternity he finally broke his silence and asked, “I thought we were going to town to preach. When are we going to preach?”
“We have been preaching,” replied St. Francis. “As we walked, we were observed: people watched our manners, our faces, our behavior, and our clothes, what people thought we stood for. We have been preaching.”

All of us preach all of the time. Our behavior is our message and our places of interest, our pulpits. Our lives become lectures and our pursuits are examples of our priorities. People watch us even as we watch them. And each time we pass from view and our words can no longer be heard our sermon ends and a decision about the value and importance we place on being like Christ in all we do and whatever we say is made.

The problem we face today is not the quantity of Christians but the quality. And if we want to win more, we must be more. How different would the world be if when we “declared God’s glory,” we also lived God’s glory. How we live is more important than words.

Prayer: Give us courage and strength Lord, to live as we ought to live and show the world Your glory and love. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: Psalm 96:2b "...proclaim his salvation day after day."

We want to thank you for your support through your prayers, calls, e-mails and finances.

Have a great day, love you, pass it on.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Sunday's Coming

Good Morning,

We spent the last two days in Norman with our granddaughter while she had knee surgery. She had several friends come over after surgery , and being around all these young people made me fill OLD. Then I read the following:

Not Finished Yet!
We need a new button, t-shirt, bumper sticker or cap that reads...NFY! It stands for Not Finished Yet!
Regardless of the label people put on you (senior, baby-boomer, retired person), regardless of the number of birthdays you've celebrated, you are still here. And as long as you are here, you are not there, and as long as you are not there, it means God still has a purpose for you here.
When Jesus was on the cross, the last thing He said was, "It is finished." After He made that statement, He died. When is God's purpose for you on this earth finished? It is finished when you die... until then, you are not finished yet! 
Does the thought of getting older discourage you or make you fearful? Consider these words the Lord spoke to Isaiah: I will be your God throughout your lifetime--until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. Isaiah 46:4
-Devotional excerpt by Roy Lessin, from his blog Meet Me In The Meadow.
We want to thank you for your support through your prayers, calls, e-mails and finances.  For those of you who knew about Lydia's knee surgery, we thank you so much for your prayers and are rejoicing that the situation with her medial meniscus was repaired  and she was able to put weight on it almost immediately. Pain has been present, but not as bad as it could have been.

Winston Churchill wisely said, "We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give."

Have a great day, love you, pass it on.