Thursday, December 13, 2012

Sunday's Coming

Good Morning,

We continue our work here in Apache Junction, Arizona and God continues to be faithful. We had around 50 in church Sunday, praise the Lord. Our thanks to each of you for you prayers and support.

My sermon this week is on Hope.

Christmas Gift Revelation

In his book, Dare to Believe, Dan Baumann illustrates the unique experience of knowing that something is ours, yet longing to enjoy it more fully. He explained that at Christmas time he would always do a lot of snooping, trying to find the gift-wrapped presents and figure out what was in them.
One year he discovered a package with his name on it that was easy to identify. There was no way to disguise the golf clubs inside. Baumann then made this observation: "When Mom wasn't around, I would go and feel the package, shake it, and pretend that I was on the golf course. The point is, I was already enjoying the pleasures of a future event; namely, the unveiling. It had my name on it. I knew what it was."

But only "Christmas would reveal it in its fullness."

The glories that await the Christian defy our comprehension. What we can grasp about them, however, fills us with great anticipation. We look longingly to that day when we shall enjoy heaven in all its fullness.

Colossians 3:1 - 2 (ASV) 
1 If then ye were raised together with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated on the right hand of God. 
2 Set your mind on the things that are above, not on the things that are upon the earth.

LaVon and I love you and are truly thankful to God for each of you. Thank you for your continual support and interest in our ministry by investing yourself in many ways as partners with us: by prayer, e-mails, phone calls and your financial gifts. Without any of these we could not continue what God has called us to do and that is to share the Living Water with the world through the RV ministry.

Have a great day, love you, pass it on.

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