Thursday, January 28, 2010

Sunday's Coming

Good morning again,

I know, I am late but this has already been a busy week, I pray you forgive me and continue reading this post.

Last Sunday, I preached on the Bible, the inerrant word of God. How one in the hand is better than two on a shelf. How we get more out of the Bible when we let more of it get into us. This morning I would like to continue that thought by reading this passage;

…be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage – with great patience and careful instruction. 2 Timothy 4:2b

Seldom in our lives do we get to see what’s coming next. I think about a sister in Christ who is sharing her life with the people of Haiti in a medical crisis; I think about our friends daughter with problems with her son, another friends daughter that has a friend who just lost her baby daughter,I think of a friend of our daughter who's mother has been taken off life support. My question this morning is: Will we be ready to help?

Are we actively seeking to further understand and gain knowledge of who God is through study and application of His word? Are our spiritual “gas tanks” daily being filled up with the Source of our Power through reading His Word and sharing our hearts with Him through prayer? God is so very kind – He regularly blesses our private time with Him by giving us opportunity to share that very day what we’ve learned from Him in the quiet moments. What a sweet way to anticipate, be ready, keeping our tanks filled up and available to His call… whenever it comes.

I pray daily for God to show me were He is at work and let me help, but also ask Him to give me the words to say and the demeanor in which to say them.

My prayer for you this morning is that you are reading His word and are ready to be used when someone ask you for help.

As always, thanks for your emails, phone calls, prayers and financial support... by these we can continue this ministry that the Lord has called us to.

Have a great day, love you, pass it on.


1 comment: said...

Your "Sunday'sComing" message seems to always go hand in hand with our Sunday School lesson here in Arizona City. I always find that uplifting. I feel God is giving his affirmation to the message and saying, "pay attention".