Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sunday's Coming

Good morning,

"This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it."

I'm a day late with Sunday's Coming due to the computer not cooperating with me yesterday morning. My apologies.

We will be in charge of two active grandchildren tonight and in the morning, so pray for us. Pray for safety for their parents as they fly to Baltimore today for a wedding.

Our days in Round Rock are swiftly coming to a close as we prepare to leave Monday. Thank you so much for your prayers for us. Many of you have email or called to let us know that you pray for us regularly. This encourages us.

We also thank you for your financial support. Traveling is costly and your response to God's prompting is also an encouragement to us. We could not do this ministry without you. God is using you as partners with us in this ministry and lives are being touched and changed. Rejoice!

LaVon and I often wake up on the "same page" and today, God has placed the same subject on both of our hearts. The following devotional reflects both of our hearts, written by LaVon and inspired by the love of the Lord. May it bless you and encourage you.

Have a great day, love you, pass it on,


When a 'storm' strikes, when a situation or circumstance occurs in our life that feels like a storm, it causes us to take a step back and ask ourselves a few questions.

Have I given my life to the Lord, through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ? Assuming the answer is "yes," then we are a new creation in Him. We are His child, His children.

We should be able to trust our earthly fathers and hopefully, we can, even though they have the challenges of being human and subject to failure. But, for sure, we know that we can trust our Heavenly Father. As believers in Jesus Christ, we trust. Period. We trust God. We trust Him with and in everything that happens. We trust Him in the storm.

What does our trust enable God to do? It enables Him.... get this... oooooo, it's good stuff. Our trust in God enables Him to SHOW UP on our behalf. A storm in our life and our trust in Him in that storm enables God to fight our battle for us, just as any good daddy would do. Does being a Christian have it's advantages? Absolutely! We have a Heavenly Father who whispers, "I've got your back."

As Believers and Followers of Christ, we are promised by God in His Word that His plans for us are good and to prosper us and not harm us.

When a 'storm hits,' we have the freedom to react differently. Oh, of course, we may at first have very human reactions, but we are God's children and that should cause us to stop and remember, "I'm a child of the King and this is just another opportunity for me to trust Him." We pray for wisdom and we go confidently forward in His care.

So, is a storm a blessing? I believe so because it's just another opportunity for us to trust God. Trusting God is always a blessing. It's another opportunity for us to learn. It's another opportunity for us to grow. It builds our faith.

Is a storm a blessing? Yes, because it gives God the opportunity to show Himself mighty, which is a testimony of His love for us and His desire to do the same for anyone who trusts Him.

Read Psalm 91 with your storm in mind.


Claudia said...

Grandchildren can be both a blessing and a what would we do without them. We are so honored to be grandparents. We will be praying for your safety as you travel along on your way to AZ. Know that we think of you constantly.

Queen of Retirement said...

You are right. This one is REALLY good!! Thank you to both of you for all you do. We love you and are so blessed to know you! Be safe in your travels.

Wendy and Rick Fury said...

Once again, you have hit the nail on the head. Thank you so much for your wisdom when it comes to real life. Good luck with the grandkids. It will tire you out but the joy will overlook that. Safe travels to you and thank you for your prayers during our storm. We love you guys and can't wait to see you again.